TripleLift Gifts for Holiday Advertisers

August 9, 2022

Advertisers often wonder, “How do we capture the attention of holiday shoppers?” To us, that answer is simple: gifts! Everyone loves a present, right? Especially those perfect gifts. You know, the things you didn’t know you needed but can’t live without?

Well, we found them. And they’re just for you.

What’s more, there’s no need to wait until December. They’re meant to be opened right now! Courtesy of TripleLift Research.

Advertiser's Guide to Unwrapping Holiday Spend
Targeting Cheat Sheet for Holiday Advertisers
TripleLift's Lift Talk: The Who, When and How of Holiday Marketing 2022

Warning: These gifts could unlock enormous results!

Check out our Holiday Hub for more of your essential resources to run the easiest and most effective holiday campaigns.


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