A New Signal For Success | TripleLift Audiences Launch Event

December 17, 2024

We launched TripleLift Audiences, our premier data targeting solution, at “A New Signal For Success,” an exclusive event designed to move beyond theoretical discussions, offering actionable insights you can leverage to go from traditional identity metrics to new, privacy-centric, and effective targeting methods. Many industry experts consider it unlikely that solutions designed for the end of third-party cookies can produce results today. Nothing could be further from the truth. Watch leading industry figures from diverse media backgrounds discuss the necessary, innovative identity solutions you need to succeed now—and when third-party cookies are gone for good. We are in a crucial moment for advertising— now is the time to be proactive.

Helpful Links:
Homepage: https://triplelift.com 
Data & Targeting Resources: https://resources.triplelift.com/data-and-targeting 
Blog Post: https://triplelift.com/blog/id-less-targeting-with-triplelift/

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