Buying TripleLift inventory in Google Display & Video 360 just got easier!

October 6, 2021

TripleLift now supports Display & Video 360’s Seller API, which allows for seamless deal activation. Prior to enabling the Seller API, buyer deal creation left room for human error and put the responsibility to upload and create deals on the buyer. 

With the help of automation, the process is much more simple. To activate TripleLift deals, all that needs to be done is select “accept” within the Negotiations section of the Display & Video 360 interface, and the deal instantly will become available within the buyer’s My Inventory page.

The Seller API integration also allows TripleLift to make inventory packages more readily available within Display & Video 360’s Marketplace. Buyers can search for curated TripleLift deals and access our Exchange Traded Deals (ETDs) from our performance, audience and culture categories, providing another easy way for Display & Video 360 buyers to access TripleLift inventory to successfully bring campaigns to life. 

Contact for easy deal activation or simply start buying our DV360 Exchange Traded Deals (ETDs) via Display & Video 360’s Marketplace today! 

Lift your campaign to the next level.