Investment in Native Advertising Continues to Soar

November 13, 2014

GtJALYqlRDiojsfBMQRa_373A1071By Michael Goldberg

Native advertising is no longer simply a buzzword for a flashy new form of digital advertising.  If recent revenue forecasts are correct, it looks like native will become a sound investment that is here to stay.

Spending on native advertising will continue to grow, gaining fast on traditional display advertising.  All forms of native will see increased investment, especially native display, the ads served in-feed across sites. These ads will top $5.7 billion in 2018, up more than five-fold from $1 billion in 2013, a five-year CAGR of 42%.

Native Ad Spending Chart

*Business Insider Intelligence estimates, Internet Advertising Bureau

Despite recent defenders of display, the facts are native will soon become the most common form of advertising online.  As we move closer to a digital world with very little room for banners, native will be the only real opportunity for advertisers to engage consumers.



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