Native Programmatic Gets Nod for Digital Trading Award

March 31, 2015

Programmatic media buying is showing no signs of slowing down.  Total US programmatic ad revenue will top nearly $15 billion this year, according to BI Intelligence estimates. And while mobile and video are spearheading growth, native programmatic is gaining steam.  So much so, that The Drum Digital Trading Awards nominated TripleLift’s native programmatic platform as a finalist for one of the best overall technology platforms for programmatic trading.

Native and programmatic have been hot topics for the past few years, but there are many skeptics that something as custom as native can scale.  Even some in the industry believe native is not programmatic.  But clearly, they are wrong.  Just ask Conde Nast or Microsoft.

We’re thrilled to be nominated for best overall trading technology in The Drum’s 2nd Annual Digital Trading Awards.  Winners will be announced on April 29 in London.



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