Privacy Please! Protecting User Data and Privacy Across The Internet

July 24, 2018

This year the advertising industry has been experiencing a heavy shift in data usage and user privacy regulations. It is no surprise that this shift has been a challenge for many companies to keep up with. TripleLift has always maintained a dedication to upholding a transparent, honest, and protected environment for all our partners and their audiences. In light of bigger initiatives like GDPR, our team has been paying even closer attention to a wealth of topics around privacy and data legislation that are in the works around the country, and the globe.

The race to May 25th was a critical time for the ecosystem. In addition to taking the necessary steps to ensure that our platform is 100% GDPR compliant, the TripleLift exchange has also undergone a full evaluation and policy review by the DAA (Digital Advertising Alliance). We are pleased to share that the TripleLift Exchange has been granted 100% DAA compliance.

The DAA is a group of organizations within the Advertising industry that have come together to develop and enforce a set of principles around data and privacy for consumers across the internet. Now, with TripleLift’s DAA compliance, we can be found in both DAA Web choices and DAA App choices opt-out tools. This allows for the end consumer to maintain a truly respectful and effective ad experience.

Over the last few months we have taken every step necessary to work towards gaining DAA compliance and in the process have completely revamped our privacy policy to make it much more holistic. Though we have taken major steps in the right direction, this effort is constantly ongoing and we hope to continue improving the TripleLift Exchange to ensure the ultimate confidence of our valued partners and their audiences.

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