Triplelift Commissions Forrester Consulting to Measure How ContentDial Impacts the Branded Content Experience

October 25, 2021

You might not know it, but branded content has been a staple of marketing plans well before the rise of digital media. For decades, publishers have offered advertorials — editorially-led articles paid for by advertisers — as a unique platform for advertisers to tell their stories and connect deeply with consumers. A key benefit: the advertiser enjoys the halo effect of the content and publisher brand that surround it.

Fast forward to today’s digital content ecosystem, in which those same (and new) publishers sell and create branded content in an almost endless array of formats such as articles, videos and social stories. While the formats have evolved, the goal is the same — offer brands a broader canvas that breaks through the confines of a traditional ad. But creating compelling content that drives impact for a brand, suits a publisher’s voice, and resonates with readers is not so easy. Too often, the abstract dream of branded content gives way to the blood, sweat and tears of frustrated advertisers and publishers, who spend an inordinate amount of time and energy creating and publishing content, so much so that the entire experience strains long-standing relationships and a campaign with promise proves ROI-negative.

ContentDial, TripleLift’s branded content solution, reinvents the process, allowing a single brand to run unique, high-quality content with multiple premium publishers. With lightweight formats and a proprietary technology platform, ContentDial offers efficiency for brands, allowing them to reach and amplify messages to new customers for everything from product launches, tentpole events and always-on campaigns.

 “ContentDial was the first product I saw that allowed us to create something bespoke to multiple publishers but do it through one partner, which allows us to be more efficient.” 
SVP of Content, Advertising, The Total Economic ImpactTM of TripleLift ContentDial

TripleLift commissioned Forrester Consulting to quantify the benefits of this product. A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of TripleLift found that ContentDial can deliver positive ROI and save brands and their agencies hundreds of hours of work for a single campaign, while delivering high performance.

To understand the breadth of benefits ContentDial delivers, and how it’s changing the game for branded content, download our full report below.

Lift your campaign to the next level.