The Dominance of Facebook and Google
You’ve read this already. It was probably all over your newsfeed before Facebook changed its algorithm to more favorably promote content posted by your friends and family. But here it is (again): In the first quarter of 2016, 85 cents of every new dollar spent in online advertising will go to Google or Facebook.
So…how did this happen? In a nutshell, the transition from an Internet of publishers to an Internet of mobile apps and social platforms, specifically Facebook, has led the audience to the mobile apps and social platforms and thus like any good advertiser, buyers have followed the audience. However, no brand truly wants to put so many eggs in one basket.
Facebook and Google have reach and frequency for sure, and that’s often why they are the defaults for buyers. As the saying goes, no media buyer ever got fired for spending more on Facebook or Google. But while buyers are successfully taking advantage of the complete reach and frequency of these giants, they are missing out on unique audiences that are better suited to their message. And it’s easy to scale these executions across thousands of sites.
Scalable, Customized Placement Exist
Buyers think they need to build custom executions for each individual site – or even worse, multiple executions for each site. In reality, the best native platforms can take a small number of unbundled assets to build rich, custom units on demand without any intervention. This is an opportunity to access thousands of premium publishers, each one having built strong relationships with their audience. Not only are buyers able to partner with publishers who care about their Facebook reach, but by employing TripleLift technology, they can seamlessly scale the same creative to a variety of audiences. This is something Facebook has yet to sustainably achieve.
While in the past they have attempted to roll out automated capabilities Facebook moved to shut down the demand-side ad buying platform it had been testing through its Atlas ad server. Savvy buyers will simply move their FBX executions over to a programmatic native platform that satisfies the same creative strategy, but reaches a much more diverse and valuable audience. For TripleLift buyers, this is exceptionally easy since our specs are very similar to FBX and allow existing creative to be quickly deployed and scaled.
By shifting dollars into native programmatic executions, advertisers can partner with publishers to create beautiful, valuable content that will be read by consumers. When we scroll through feeds on a publisher’s website, we’re looking for information to catch our attention. As Facebook’s algorithm is now promoting your cousin Susie’s graduation photos over CNN’s presidential coverage, advertising will feel intrusive, as there is less prominence to editorial content. This is an opportunity for buyers to step away from the status quo and engage with customers in a way that will be lasting through the use of programmatic native solutions.
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