Every Meeting Makes a Difference: Helping People on the Frontlines of Coronavirus

May 4, 2020
Every Meeting Makes a Difference

Authored by: Jax Quantrell, CRO, TripleLift

Update: May 4, 2020

One month ago, we saw an opportunity to make a difference for the extraordinary frontline hospital and clinic workers during this time of need. We announced that we would be donating to World Central Kitchen to deliver warm meals for each meeting we held in the month of April. 

Within weeks of launching “Every Meeting Makes a Difference,” we received an enormous amount of support from our industry colleagues through virtual meetings, events and social engagement. We’re proud to say that we have doubled our original pledge and donated 5,800 meals to World Central Kitchen.

World Central Kitchen has served more than 3 million meals to vulnerable communities and frontline healthcare workers in over 155 cities in more than 25 states and territories. By going about our normal work day, together with our clients and partners we were able to make a difference for our healthcare heroes.

We are grateful for every person who supported us this month for “Every Meeting Makes a Difference” and thrilled to announce that we are extending this initiative through the month of May.


Original post dated: April 8, 2020

The Coronavirus is taking its toll on everyone. Companies are challenged, industries are reeling, and large swaths of the world are sheltering-in-place. Yet, there are heroes emerging among us — the healthcare professionals who are facing incredibly dangerous challenges. They are working tirelessly to save lives while putting their own health and safety on the line.

In the advertising industry, we are…working from home. Each day, we’re creating and recreating marketing plans that address the fast moving nature of this moment in history. We are each surely rising to our own occasion. But, it is still so hard to reconcile the work we’re doing – taking place through the relative safety of Zoom and Slack – with the life saving efforts playing out in hospitals around the world.

While most of us don’t have the training to tend to the sick, we do have the ability to help the heroes. TripleLift is supporting World Central Kitchen, the organization delivering fresh, hot meals to medical professionals and relief workers. Every virtual meeting we hold during the month of April will unlock 3 meals to feed heroes working on the frontlines. We are committed to donating up to $10,000 during the month.

If it makes sense to join us for a meeting to help address your digital media plans, let’s hop on a video chat.  And then, just by going about our jobs, we will together make it easier for so many others to go about theirs.

Every meeting makes a difference.


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