TripleLift Lift Talk: France [Video]

June 3, 2020

There is a lot of change going on in the world, in our industry and in our personal lives. And there will continue to be lots of change. But, with big change comes big opportunity. Our recent virtual Lift Talk in France discussed the implications of these changes as well as the positive possibilities that are being born. 

For our first ever Lift Talk in France, we spoke about the steps we can take right now to set programmatic up to thrive in this new world order with Jean-Baptiste Rouet, Chief Programmatic Officer at Publicis Media, Charles Duquesne, Lead Principal Account Manager FR & BE at The Trade Desk and Karine Rielland Mardirossian, Directrice Générale Déléguée Digital at Media.Figaro. Our, Head of Publisher Development, EMEA, Julien Gardès. moderated the panel discussion.

Some topics covered during this Lift Talk are:

  • Financial solidarity on the programmatic supply chain from Advertisers to Publishers 
  • New values advertisers and publishers want to leverage (RSE) 
  • How to educate the industry so that we can identify the best partners for more transparent and simplified auction, to maximise ad spend

Watch the full session now. Please note that the session took place in French.

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