2015: The Year of Mobile? Finally?

January 7, 2015

c9e42240By Michael Goldberg

We’ve heard it for almost a decade.  Each New Year brought the same statement from the advertising industry.  “This is the year of mobile.”  But it never happened.  Despite consumers spending more time on their mobile devices then with friends and family, digital advertising never really exploded on mobile.  But as we enter the 2nd half of the decade, can we finally say that 2015 will be the year of mobile?  I believe so.  Thanks in part to native advertising.

Obviously advertising has indeed found its way onto mobile devices.  But to call any year in the past few years the “year of mobile” would be silly.  All that really happened was that banners that lived on desktops made their way to mobile devices, screens often 1/8 the size of desktops.  To say this was a failure is an understatement.  You probably have seen these ads, and more then likely clicked on them- by accident.  That’s because there are no right rails for these to ignore, they tend to pop up right over the content or games you are engaged with.  And since they are so small, when you try and close them, you wind up clicking on them.  Making people believe that mobile CTR is more impressive than it is.

So what do we really think of these mobile banners?  Well, 4 out 5 consumers find them unacceptable according to a study conducted by the Harvard Business Review.  I believe the word “unacceptable” is Harvard talk for “they suck.”

So here comes native advertising.  Delivered in-feed and integrated with content.  It seems these ads were made for mobile.  Consumers are no longer getting ads disrupting their mobile experience.  Just be sure to label it an ad as to not fool them.  This is the reason mobile advertising revenue will jump.  And by looks at the landscape, it has become crowed. Surely there is belief this is the future of advertising.  Check out the players in this landscape created by PubNative.

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