Feed Your First-Party Strategy with ContentDial

June 3, 2022

It’s happened to all of us. You’ve stood in front of your food pantry, bored and uninspired, maybe even intimidated by the prospect of making dinner. You’re about to throw in the towel and order delivery — when you see it. That thing. The pantry staple that makes you think, “Wait a second now. I think I’ve got my essential ingredient.” Now, that pantry staple can look different for everyone: for some it’s a box of bucatini, a can of kidney beans, or even a jar of harissa. But you know it when you see it. 

It’s the ingredient that you can rely on for a meal even when you’re unsure if that lettuce in your fridge has gone bad…

When it comes to your media strategy, ContentDial, TripleLift’s branded content product, is your reliable pasta — meaning regardless of how the contents of your fridge spoil over time this tactic will remain largely unchanged and equally delicious. And we don’t use the pantry staple metaphor lightly here; we know that 2023 is bringing big changes to the industry as third-party cookies (3PC) are deprecated entirely, which means you’re going to need some new shelf-stable items to help you cook up the perfect media plan. 

Shelf-Stable Branded Content
ContentDial partners with brands to create high-quality lightweight content with multiple premium publishers, promoted across social platforms. Powered by proprietary technology, our end-to-end solution streamlines the process, elevates your content, and maximizes your ROI, enabling seamless activation and performance transparency for the first time ever. 

Advertisers want to ensure all of their paid media efforts reach the most qualified consumer, and to-date, this has been made possible largely by third-party cookies. However, because ContentDial branded content is promoted on social platforms like Facebook and Instagram, which don’t rely on third-party cookies, we can rely on the unique data available to those platforms to reach your target audience, as well as publishers who use their own 1P data to bring relevant audiences to ContentDial branded content. 

Diversifying Your Pantry
With the deprecation of third-party cookies set to take place in less than a year, it’s time to start diversifying your pantry. Advertisers should begin replacing third-party cookies with first-party (1P) data. By taking a portfolio approach, advertisers can tap into a range of solutions all powered by powerful 1P data available on a publisher. After all, the future looks a lot like your ad tech partners and publishers teaming up to segment the best available 1P data and then packaging it easily for you to target. We’ve done a deep dive into what that looks like over at our Privacy Hub. But this portfolio approach should not be limited to just what’s available programmatically — ContentDial is the ideal pantry staple to add to the mix for your direct media buys. 

Don’t Go Hungry
There’s no need to go hungry in a world without third-party cookies. Despite the impending industry-wide changes impacting the rest of your media tactics, branded content measurement and promotion is future-proof thanks to publisher-owned first-party data and will enjoy a long shelf life. It’ll help give you peace of mind — no one’s going hungry. Bon appetit!

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