Publisher Case Study – Correcting Bid Discrepancy & Improving Efficiency

May 23, 2022

Learn how TripleLift's Publisher Operations & Yield Team helped a global partner improve their efficiency, Downstream Win Rate, and rCPM following a bid discrepancy issue.

Correcting Bid Discrepancy & Improving Campaign EfficiencyEnter content here

Following a wrapper integration health check with a premium international publisher, TripleLift’s Publisher Operations & Yield Team discovered a significant bid discrepancy, caused by inefficiencies created by their prefetching and ad refreshing, resulting in many ill-fated bids.

TripleLift’s Publisher Operations & Yield Team shared their findings with the publisher via screenshots of their page code, followed by a detailed explanation of how the publisher’s setup was eroding both buyer bids and revenue, especially with DSPs, whose algorithms work on cost efficiencies.

Finally, they recommended adjustments to ensure that 90% or more of TripleLift’s bids would reach their ad server.

Takeaways: Improving Campaign Efficiency Starts with Your SSP Partner

After implementing the recommended changes, 94% of TripleLift’s bids appeared on our partner’s ad server, increasing by 37 percentage points. In addition, the Downstream Win Rate (DWR**) increased by 62.5% in just one month. As a result of the optimizations, the partner achieved improved revenue and increased efficiency with TripleLift and all their other SSPs. 

If you’re looking for more information about this, or any of our other case studies, or just want to learn more about how TripleLift can help you reach your goals, head over to our Resource Hub.

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